ChatGPT vs Gemini : Which is the Best AI Tool of 2024?

2 min readJul 10, 2024


ChatGPT vs Gemini : Which is the Best AI Tool of 2024?
  • Gemini and ChatGPT are two AI tools that make use of generative AI to work their magic.
  • With large language models at their core, they’re pretty good at coming up with text that sounds like a human wrote it.
  • Each has special tricks up its sleeve depending on what different users might need.

ChatGPT vs Gemini : With the growth of AI, we’ve seen a bunch of tools pop up aiming to make our lives easier by handling tasks that repeat a lot and boosting how much work we can get done. Among these, Gemini and ChatGPT stand out as two big names today. They’re both built on generative AI tech which means they’re pretty good at coming up with text that sounds like it was written by a person and digging up useful info for us. In this blog post, let’s dive into comparing Gemini against OpenAI’s ChatGPT to see which one comes out on top.

Google brought us Gemini, an AI model packed with complex algorithms and ways to analyze data so it can give back information that hits the mark every time. It used to go by Google Bard before getting some upgrades and changing its name to Gemini. Meanwhile, OpenAI created ChatGPT — this is more like having a chat buddy because it uses OpenAI’s GPT models for chatting through text.

As we move through this blog post, I’ll take you through how both Gemini and ChatGpt have evolved over time what sits at the heart of their technology-wise, and what makes them tick in terms of features. We’ll also look at how they do when put to use in real situations outside tests or theories, talking about where they shine and where there might be room for improvement.

By sticking around till the end, you should have all you need to figure out which tool could better match what you’re looking for based on your own needs and wants. This article was originally posted on Medium last year, but with the latest updates to ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Anthropic’s Claude, I thought this was the time to reconsider my analysis and see how much has changed.

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